The U.K. competition regulator said Friday that Meta Platforms has offered to limit use of other businesses’ advert data to address competition concerns.
The Competition and Markets Authority said Facebook-owner Meta
has offered commitments not to use competitors’ advertising data for its Facebook Marketplace classified ad service. it will also take steps to restrict the use of ad data for developing other Meta products available in the U.K. that are in competition with other advertisers.
If the CMA accepts the commitments, competing advertisers would be able to opt out from their ad data being used by Meta in the Facebook Marketplace.
The CMA said its’ preliminary view is that the offer from Meta addresses its competition concerns and it is now consulting on the proposed commitments before deciding whether to accept them. The consultation will close on June 26.
The regulator first launched its investigation in June, 2021, into arrangements which it said appeared to enable Meta’ using certain ad data from businesses using its advertising services, to develop and improve its own products in competition with those same advertising customers
Meta is the largest supplier of digital display advertising in the U.K., earning 4 billion to 5 billion pounds ($4.93 billion-$6.16 billion) from U.K. advertising in 2021.
Write to Joe Hoppe at [email protected]
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