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Making The World A Better Place Using Chocolate As A Tool For Change

There is something special about chocolate. But beyond the joy that comes from the experience

Addressing LGBTQ+ Backlash And Future-Proofing Inclusion Commitments

Adrien Gaubert, cofounder at myGwork, The LGBTQ+ Business Community. A lot of brands are having

Five Lessons On Safeguarding Point-Of-Sale Systems

Gordon Lawson is CEO of Conceal, which enables organizations to protect their privacy and security

How To Thrive In A Constantly Changing Industry Like Healthcare

Jacob Kupietzky is President of HealthCare Transformation, a company dedicated to providing hospitals with experienced

Using Smart Communication During The Fourth Industrial Revolution

CEO of Smartlink Communications. Global analyst, consultant and trainer, passionate about leadership, global communications and

How To Prepare Yourself For Unexpected Events As An Investor

Zain Jaffer is the founder and president of Zain Ventures, a family office that invests

Is Self-Doubt Keeping You From Becoming An Entrepreneur? Insights That Might Help

Sometimes, the voices in our heads are our friends and sometimes they are not. Often

How To Create A Culture That Encourages Employee Advancement

Why do good employees leave good employers? There are a host of reasons, but one

To Succeed, SEO Firms Need To Ditch The Mysticism And Focus On Driving ROI

Eric Maas is a managing partner at Fuelist Digital. “Ninja,” “guru,” “secret sauce.” In my

20 Essential Steps For A Seamless Business Digital Transformation

Tailoring your business in a digital world that is constantly evolving can be daunting. However,

12 Wellness Initiatives Your Team Will Actually Get Excited About

It should come as no surprise that a healthy and happy employee is a more

3 Lessons From Su Of AMD

The #1 VC fallacy in venture development is that getting VC means venture success. The

10 Ways To Increase Customer Service Engagement

Founder & CEO at Millennial Services, a dedicated call-center services provider. You don't have a

Four Risks To Discuss With Your Team

CEO of DeskTime—a time tracking and productivity app for companies and freelancers. He’s also an

What Merchants Need To Know To Stay Competitive With Subscriptions

Heather Altepeter is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Founder and Owner of National Merchants Association