Lisa V. Sellers, PhD, is CEO of Vector Laboratories.
Despite our progress breaking down gender discrimination in the workplace over the last few decades, gender inequality continues to permeate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industries. Although women earn 58% of all bachelor’s degrees, they represent only 24% of engineering, 21% of computer science and 24% of physics bachelor’s degrees. This disparity is especially prevalent at the top of management structures; in biotech, only 23% of CEOs identify as women.
As the factors keeping this gender gap alive become harder to pinpoint and address, finding ways to encourage interest and confidence in STEM subjects among young girls can build a foundation for achieving equity in these industries.
The Obstacles To Equity Start Young
The body of research explaining the persistent gender imbalance in STEM careers points to the prevalence of gender stereotypes, fewer role models and “the confidence gap” as contributing factors. As a mentor for young girls in the Bay Area, I believe that we can address several of these obstacles with education and encourage young girls and women to pursue engineering and science degrees.
Reaching that goal begins with removing the gender bias that starts in primary schools and in off-cycle programs such as summer camps. For example, I’ve noticed summer camps that offer extensive project-based camps focused on STEM often predominantly feature themes geared toward boys. These camps offer engineering projects focused on dinosaurs, Minecraft or war games like building a catapult or reinforcing castle walls to withstand a medieval siege. Too often, if girls are interested in fashion, princesses or baby dolls, for example, they are relegated to arts and crafts camps.
Recently, I was pleased to see a Bay Area camp offer not just Pokemon and Star Wars STEM camps, but also Disney-princess-themed options. This initiative is the type we should see much more often to engage all young children in science and engineering. Expanding the themes of STEM summer camps to meet children’s diverse interests makes these fields fun and inspiring for a wider group. Cinderella’s castle walls need reinforcing, too.
Business leaders can get involved with these types of programs to boost engagement in STEM topics and develop community connections. As a first step, leaders can consider reaching out to local community centers. Many of these centers offer year-round recreation programs for children of all ages and typically offer summer camps for young children.
Connect with the program directors and offer to be a resource. In my experience, relationship building and developing a shared understanding of capabilities and needs comes first, and then the partnership can grow into concrete actions.
Breaking Down Stereotypes Before They Begin
By introducing STEM at a young age, in a fun way, and through more diverse themes, we can slowly level the playing field for girls and boys when gender stereotypes are first introduced. A Yale University study conducted in 2021 found that children believe in gender stereotypes as young as six years old, with girls ages eight or nine already basing the interests they explore on these stereotypes.
Making these subjects more universal at a young age could dilute the power of gender stereotypes during this foundational time. These tactics can also help girls build confidence in their abilities that can encourage them to pursue STEM as a career.
Regardless of whether girls and boys decide to pursue a STEM career, all fields of work benefit from employees at all levels of the organization having diverse backgrounds, experiences, ways of communicating and problem-solving tactics. It’s no different for STEM—a well-rounded education supports success in all careers. Receiving a STEM-based education, whether it be a bachelor’s degree or an advanced degree, teaches professionals the problem-solving skills that can take them down any path within the biotech and high-tech fields, both of which will be rich with jobs now and in the future.
Reaching Out To Girls At All Ages
As individuals, we can engage children with fun ways to build confidence in these areas and reverse the belief that women are somehow naturally not inclined to math and science. On a larger scale, the biotech industry, and other STEM industries, can also increase efforts to mentor not only women pursuing their undergraduate degrees, but also girls in high school.
For example, in Newark, California, where my company is headquartered, our team made connections through the local chamber of commerce. This contact connected us to leaders in the community, including those in education. High schools will have science teachers and may also have program leaders for biotech tracks or for programs to support students from specific socioeconomic backgrounds, especially students interested in STEM industries. Business leaders can make connections with these educational leaders to build a partnership to impact students, especially girls, in high school.
This work with local high schools can be as involved as a leader’s bandwidth allows for. The partnership can be as simple as speaking to girls about the career journeys of women employees, or bigger lifts such as inviting students to the office and setting up a panel of women employees to talk about careers and a typical day in a biotech company.
Additionally, high schools are often working to build out internship programs that can involve just a few hours a week for groups of students. These internships do not need to be at the same intensity and time commitment as a college or graduate-level program, making them a smaller investment for companies with a big impact for students.
Through sustained, intentional efforts to break down stereotypes and build confidence in girls as individuals and as an industry, we can achieve lasting change.
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